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Valorant Beta – Viper Guide

Valorant Viper Beta Guide
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This Guide Covers how to use Valorant’s Controller Agent, Viper. Viper uses poison abilities to deny sightlines and areas of the map, making her a difficult agent to play against, especially if she has her ultimate up.

Viper’s Abilities

Unique Agent Trait – Fuel

Viper’s Q and E rely on a fuel meter. You begin the round at 50% fuel and this goes down overtime as you use your abilities. Turning off both abilities will replenish fuel over time. Fuel is not replenished during the buy phase. At the start of a round, you will have 100% fuel at the 1:30 timer mark if no abilities are used.

Viper has 4 abilities, Poison Cloud, Toxic Screen, Snake Bite and her ultimate, Viper’s Pit.

Poison Cloud – Bound to “Q” by default

Press Q to equip a gas emitter grenade. Mouse button 1 then sets off the emitter. The emitter is persistent and can be cancelled at anytime after firing. This ability deals damage to both teammates and enemies as dot (damage over time).

This ability can be picked up and redeployed. If the emitter is not picked up at the end of the round it will cost 200 credits to purchase.

To improve spend economy it would be ideal to pickup after the end of every round.

Toxic Screen – Bound to “E” to default

Press E to equip a gas launcher. Mouse button 1 to deploy a long line of gas emitters. This creates a wall that damages teammates and enemies alike. The emitters can be turned off and unlike poison cloud, cannot be picked up, but can be turned back on at will (provided you have enough fuel).

This ability is not purchasable but will be refunded to you at the start of every round.

Snake Bite – Bound to “C” by default

Press C to equip a chemical launcher. Press mouse button 1 to launch a canister that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a small toxic spill. This damages and slows enemies and teammates caught in it.

It is a one time use ability. Up to two charges can purchased each round for 100 credits each.

Viper’s Pit – Bound to “X” by default

Press X to aim and mouse button 1 to emit a toxic cloud gas. This gas cloud lasts indefinitely as long as Viper stays inside the cloud.

Once she leaves the cloud a bar appears on screen counting down until the gas disperses.

This guide will continue to be updated as more information is made available

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