Valorant Beta – Raze Guide

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This guide covers how to use Valorant’s Duelist Agent, Raze. She is able to use explosives to enhance her mobility and deal devastating damage to enemy agents.

Raze’s Abilities

Unique Agent Trait – Explosives

Raze’s kit is explosives that can be used offensively and to reposition. Her four purchasable abilities are: boom bot, blast pack, paint shells and her ultimate, show stopper.

Blast Pack – Bound to “Q” by Default

When this ability is used Raze will instantly throw a blast pack. The blast pack sticks the ground and can be detonated in two different ways. It can be detonated by pressing Q again or it will automatically detonate after 3 seconds. You can buy two blast packs per round and they cost 100 credits each.

The blast pack can able be used as a movement ability, as Raze takes no damage from her ability, instead it simply boops her an a direction away from the blast pack.

Paint Shells – Bound to “E” by Default

When this ability is used, Raze takes our a cluster grenade that looks like a spray paint can. It is thrown on an arc and can be bounced off walls. After a primary explosion 4 cluster grenades are dropped that deal additional damage. This ability can deals enough damage to completely kill someone from full hp.

This ability does not cost anything to purchase, is refunded at the start of every round. To recharge mid round, two kills are required.

Boom Bot – Bound to “C” by Default

When this ability is used, Raze sets down a small robot that will travel in a straight line until it reaches a wall, it will bounce off walls until an enemy enters its cone of vision at which point it will chase them and explode once they are close enough. The bot can be destroyed by shooting it.

The bot is useful for distractions around corners and if an enemy is holding the corner their attention will move from the corner angle to the bot, allowing you to peek them safely.

This ability costs 200 credits to purchase.

Showstopper – Bound to “X” be Default

This is Raze’s ultimate ability. She takes out a rocket launcher that fires one rocket which can instantly kill multiple enemies. The ultimate voice-line is “Here come’s the Party”. It takes 6 rounds to recharge this ultimate( provided no ultimate orbs are collected).

This Guide will be updated are more information is made available.

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