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Valorant Beta – Breach Guide

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The guide covers how to use Valorant’s initiator agent, Breach. Breach is quite possibly one of the most underrated agents in Valorant currently. He is however very good for taking points, with abilities that blind and stun enemies. His abilities are also very straightforward and easy to use.

Breach’s Abilities

Unique Agent Trait –

Breach has 4 abilities; Flashpoint, Faultline, Aftershock and Rolling Thunder.

Flashpoint – Bound to “Q” by default

This ability can only be fired through walls, and blinds everyone hit by it for a period of time. It is one of the longest lasting blind abilities in the game.

Fault Line – Bound to “E” by default

This ability stuns enemies through walls for a short time, operating with much of the same mechanics as flashpoint. holding down increases the distance the abilities travel.

Aftershock-Bound to “C” by default

This ability works much the other two previous abilities. Breach fires a charge that goes through a wall and deals burst damage to anyone behind the wall after a short delay. This ability costs 100 credits to purchase and only one charge can be purchased per round.

Rolling Thunder – Bound to “X” by default

This ability is notated by the voice line ” Let’s Go!”. It creates a cascading area of damage that both stuns and knocks enemies up in the air. It can travel trough walls and up and over small ledges.

This guide will continue to be updated as more information is made available.

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