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Apex Legends Season 5 Information

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Apex Legends Developer Respawn Entertainment has released new information for the upcoming Season 5, titled “Fortune’s Favor”. Like every new season, there is a new battlepass and new Legend.

Source: Electronic Arts

The new legend is Loba, confirmed today as being a playable character (unlike in previous seasons). The new season will go live on May 12th, introducing a new battlepass of over 100 items and new feature called “Quests”.

Not much has been revealed about quests but Apex legend devlopers have taken to twitter to share their excitement about the new feature

Ranked Series 4 will also go live with season 5, continuing the now familiar 6 week split of ranked play. It has been confirmed the split will include a map split, starting on King’s Canyon (which version is not known) and then moving to World’s Edge on June 23rd.

Another Feature much requested by the community is finally being delivered – Reconnect; the ability to reconnect to a game if you are suddenly disconnected. More details on this functionality will be available with the patch notes for season 5 (which is not currently live).

Check out the reveal trailer for Loba below

The Season 5 launch trailer will premiere on Tuesday May 5th at 10am PT over at http://x.ea.com/63065

missed season’s 4 trailer? check it out here:

Update: May 2nd

New ingame teasers have been found.

  1. Loba appears to stalk the legends in the main menu, passing behind the banners

2. The vault by train has been looted by Loba, who leaves her calling card behind, in the form of a bracelet. Picking up the bracelet warps players to an area that appears to be filled with Titanfall 2 stalkers.

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